Photographers Showcase
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Twogether Studios
Location: Delhi NCR
About Twogether Studios:
Arjun Kartha started shooting weddings completely by chance in early 2008 based on a love for photojournalism, emotions and storytelling – elements that were abundantly found in weddings! What was supposed to be a side hustle turned out to be something that was a calling. In doing so, Twogether Studios was born with a single idea; to create modern wedding stories from the best moments in two people’s lives as they live the day together.
More than a decade and hundreds of weddings later, Twogether Studios has continued to pioneer modern wedding storytelling through their contemporary and off-beat approach to shooting Indian weddings. With a carefully handpicked team of photographers and cinematographers, they are known for their unique style of wedding stories that is rooted in the couple’s unique story. From their home base in New Delhi they have travelled across the world including Africa, the United States and beyond documenting stories of love and twogetherness.
Arjun is also the founder president of the Wedding Photographer’s Association of India.
Contact details:
Contact: +91-98101-65810